Pierre Blanchet presented Idénergie’s projects at the Renewable Energy Expo during the mission to India organized by Export Quebec. This event, that took place on September 10th, brought together experts in the renewable energy field from South East Asia and worldwide. Idénergie’s river turbine was introduced as the ideal solution for emerging countries facing critical needs and obstacles in access to clean energy.
On June 20 th 2014 was held the first public demonstration of the Idénergie’s river turbine. The event aimed to share the result of three years of work and present to the public the first commercially available river turbine designed for domestic use. During this visit, we were fortunate enough to have speeches from Mr. Jean-François Parenteau, Mayor of the Borough of Verdun, madame Sylvie Cordeau, Vice-President, Philanthropy and sponsorship at Québécor Media Inc.. and Denis Leclerc, President and CEO of Écotech Québec. Here is a link to the photo album of the event: Facebook or Dropbox
On June 20th 2014 was held the first public demonstration of the Idénergie’s river turbine. The event aimed to share the result of three years of work and present to the public the first commercially available river turbine designed for domestic use. During this visit, we were fortunate enough to have speeches from Mr. Jean-François Parenteau, Mayor of the Borough of Verdun, madame Sylvie Cordeau, Vice-President, Philanthropy and sponsorship at Québécor Media Inc.. and Denis Leclerc, President and CEO of Écotech Québec. Here is a link to the photo album of the event: Facebook or Dropbox
Le 20 juin dernier s’est tenu la première démonstration publique de l’hydrolienne d’Idénergie. L’événement visait à partager le fruit de trois années de travail et de présenter au public la première hydrolienne de rivière conçue pour un usage domestique disponible sur le marché. Au cours de ce rendez-vous, nous avons eu la chance d’avoir des allocutions de monsieur Jean-François Parenteau, maire de l’arrondissement de Verdun, de madame Sylvie Cordeau, Vice-présidente, Philanthropie et commandites de Québecor Média Inc. et de Denis Leclerc, Président et chef de la direction d’Écotech Québec. Voici un lien vers l’album photos de l’évènement: Facebook ou Dropbox
Pierre Blanchet, President, presented Idenérgie`s domestic river turbine and breakthrough innovations that will finally allow this important segment of the renewable energy industry to propel itself!. This presentation took place at the Marine Renewables Canada Annual Conference which was held in Ottawa the 20-21 November 2013.
Pierre Blanchet, Président, présente l’hydrolienne de rivière domestique d’Idénergie et les innovations de rupture qui permettront finalement de lancer cette filiale importante des énergies renouvelables. Cette présentation a eu lieu dans le cadre de la Conférence annuelle de Marine Renewables Canada qui s’est tenue à Ottawa le 20-21 novembre 2013.
On October 2013, Mr Pierre Karl Péladeau, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hydro-Québec, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Quebecor Media and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Foundation of entrepreneurship, has presented an overview of the challenges of entrepreneurship in Quebec in relation to innovation and investment.
Video is in french. The three Idénergie founders discuss about the development of the first domestic river turbine, technological, environmental, economic and legislative considerations for the commercialization of this innovative product in Quebec.
Version Française Version Español Version Portuguese
VERT et NET, an Ecotech Quebec initiative, aims to generate interest from students in Quebec about cleantechs , a very active industry for which there are many exciting career opportunities. This initiative was also created from the desire to increase media exposure for cleantech technologies..
“We have the talent necessary to succeed in Quebec. We need to ensure we get our motivation as much as possible from our champions. There are many. Let’s not be afraid to celebrate their success and let’s stop denigrating those involved, day after day, in the building of this great community that is Quebec. »
President and CEO of Quebecor, Pierre Karl Peladeau in his address to the business community of the South Shore of Montréal, under the theme “S’investir dans le Québec de demain”.